South Newton will be on a 2 hour delay for Thursday, February 6.


Good morning!
We are just three weeks away from your Mattress Fundraiser and it’s time to get parents shouting from the rooftops about the event! Remember, parents (and faculty) who don't personally need a mattress this year can make the biggest difference in the results of this fundraiser.
Please forward the attached coupon flyers and the following information to all parents and fellow faculty/staff:
The South Newton Athletic Dept. are hosting their 2nd Annual Mattress Fundraiser on Sunday, February 23rd, from 11am to 5pm, @ the HS Aux Gym. Even if you aren’t in the market to buy a mattress this year, you can help make a big difference for the Athletic Dept.! Talk about the sale to everyone you know, and you WILL find at least one person who is in the market to buy right now. Statistics show that 1 out of 10 people are in the market to buy a mattress at any given time!
Not only will they get a great deal, but they’ll sleep better knowing their purchase benefits the Athletic Dept.. Watch this video! More information can be found here: https://www.facebook.com/events/1091710406034874/

South Newton phone systems has been restored and are now working.

South Newton phone systems are experiencing problems with incoming calls on the morning of Feb 5. Until this is resolved, please submit an absence for your student to attendancees@newton.k12.in.us (Elementary students), attendancems@newton.k12.in.us (Middle school students) or attendancehs@newton.k12.in.us (High school students). Updates will be posted when the issue has been resolved.

Young Entrepreneur Day!

Mark your calendars - Young Entrepreneur Day is Saturday, April 5, 2025!
Registration opens Wednesday, February 5, 2025!

Congratulations to Uriel Holloway and Ellianna Holloway for getting a gold rating at ISSMA contest for their instrumental solos this weekend. Ellianna will advance to state with her French horn.

Come be part of the first Chuck a Duck at South Newton this Saturday at the half time of the Boy's varsity game vs Tri-Township. JV starts at noon.
Go Rebels!

The Rebels Baseball Team Shop for 2025 is now open! The Shop will remain open until February 13th for all your Rebel Gear needs!
Thank you for supporting South Newton Rebels Baseball!!!!!!!!
Link for the shop: https://bsnteamsports.com/shop/25SNBASEBA

South Newton will be on a 2 hour delay for Friday, January 31.

Newton County vs Cancer
Need something to do tonight? Come and watch the Lady Rebels join Lady Spartans in a fight against Cancer . Lady Rebels vs Lady Spartans at 6:00 pm CST @ North Newton. Shirts available at the door and proceeds go towards Cancer Awareness.


Pioneer Jr-Sr High School will be hosting South Newton High School on Sat Feb 1 with the JV game starting at 6 PM EST or 5 PM CST.
Please use Door #18 to gain access to the Main Gym at PJSHS. Tickets for cash ($7) may be purchased at the door or online through Eventlink ($8).

It’s School Board Appreciation Month! Please take a moment to thank the members of our school board for their outstanding leadership and dedicated public service.

We need your help! Please support the Athletic Dept. at the upcoming Mattress Fundraiser on Sunday, February 23rd, from 11am to 5pm. Did you know 1 in 4 households are in the market to buy a new bed at any given time? If you talk to enough people, you’ll find someone who needs a new mattress. Great Prices, Great Products, Great Cause!
INVITE THOSE PEOPLE! Watch this video to learn how YOU can help make this a success: VIDEO LINK
Why buy:
Outstanding customer service
Over 30 top-brand models to try (Purple, Simmons Beautyrest, Helix, Therapedic & more!)
Full manufacturer warranties
Prices are below retail (financing is available)
For an easy way to spread the word, please share our Facebook event here: FB EVENT LINK

The ladies Basketball game at Faith Christian tonight has been moved to a 5:30 pm CST start time.

We have our Pizza Party on Wednesday, January 29th at 6 pm CST. Don't forget to RSVP to Mr Bell by tomorrow. bellc@newton.k12.in.us

The Men's Wrestling Sectional at Crown Point is on on Saturday, February 1st at 8:00 am CST. Tickets are $7 each. CPHS accepts credit, debit, and Apple Pay at the gate, NO CASH. Tickets can be pre-purchased using the link below:

SN Student Council will host a blood drive on Wednesday, February 12th! If you would like to sign up to donate blood, you can scan the QR codes on the flyers around the school, visit this link: https://www.redcrossblood.org/give.html/drive-results?zipSponsor=snewhs, or see Ms. Doan in room 104.
Students must be at least 16 to donate blood, and they must have a signed permission slip. Permission slips are available from Ms. Doan in room 104 or Mrs. Kindig in room 133.
We have about 40 slots to fill - please sign up & help save a life!!